Friday, August 31, 2012

Smiley Face Guy

Dear little Pagogo,

You have, so far, been my hardest child. And I love you for many reasons, but also just for that alone. You will hear over and over again that challenge and struggle is what often (and possibly always) makes us rise to the occasion. I am who I am because I have the opportunity to love you, you 'witta stinka'. You're a daddy's boy through and through. Often I learn things about you by reflecting on things I know about your dad. And often, I learn things about your dad by spending so much time with you. My heart overflows with love for you, buddy.

For a couple of days you've been grouchy. I mean really grouchy. As in crying and whining all day long. All. Day. Long. I've done everything. I've given you extra naps and extra treats. I've cuddled you and spent extra one-on-one with you. I've even tried bribing you. Yesterday we had a good moment on our bike ride when I explained to you about how you have to choose to be happy. I could tell you really got what I meant. Your eyes brightened and your countenance changed. You even laughed. It was a moment (cue angels singing)! About 7 and a half minutes later, it was fast forgotten and you were back to Mr. Grouchypants. You know how people say they get so frustrated they want to pull their hair out? I've never been to that point until yesterday. Then I knew what they meant. I gave up for the day. I endured the negative attitude for the rest of the night without trying to talk you out of it anymore.

On a whim this morning I made you a couple faces with a sharpie and a paper plate that was sitting on the counter. One was a smiley face and one was a VERY ugly frowny face; complete with "mad eyebrows" as you seemed to fondly refer to them. They came with strict instructions. Frowny face had to stay in your pocket. No one likes a frowny face, right. He makes you feel yucky and no one else feels good around him either. He's really not  fun to play with, or eat with, or even look at. He stays put away for sure.The other one was smiley face. Everyone likes that guy. He's the 'bomb diggity'; he feels good and makes everyone else feel good, too. He should be out all the time. He went with us on our bike ride today. He even did laundry with us and when he fell in a basket and got covered with dirty clothes, he came right back out smiling, just like he went in, didn't he? He really is the bomb diggity. I like that guy.

You did too.

And every time I reminded you to keep frowny face guy in your pocket and find smiley face guy, you remembered to choose to be happy. And for a 2 year old, that's big. Who am I kidding? For a 25 year old that's big. And that's why I stay home with you 24/7, little dude. Because I want to be absolutely sure you learn those little lessons.

I have a feeling those little guys will be around at least a couple more days. And we'll welcome them into a few more conversations, I'm sure. Today, they at least got us to nap time with less than half the melt-downs we had yesterday. Progress.


  1. Daughter, you are an amazing Mother! Those boys are so blessed. I still learn from you every day, just shows you that the process of learning from our children never ends. I love you!

  2. I'm pretty sure I could use one of those smiley faces at times!! So glad you are back blogging - the kids are sooooo cute and big
